Moralna podmiotowość

Moralna podmiotowość
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Jeff McMahan - Zaburzenie poznawcze a wzmocnienie pozna...

Jeff McMahan - Zaburzenie poznawcze a wzmocnienie poznawcze (Cognitive Disability and Cognitive Enhancment) "This essay explores problems of consistency among commonsense beliefs about the comparative moral status of animals, fetuses, and human beings congenitally endowed with cognitive capacities and potential no higher than those of higher animals. The pos ...

Jeff McMahan - Radykalne ograniczenie poznawcze (Radica...

Jeff McMahan - Radykalne ograniczenie poznawcze (Radical Cognitive Limitation) "Suppose that there are human beings whose overall psychological capacities and potential are comparable to or lower than those characteristic of the higher orders of nonhuman animals, such as chimpanzees. And suppose that the limited cognitive capacit ...

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