Katalog etyki praktycznej

Katalog Etyki Praktycznej

... zasoby z etyki posegregowane według kategorii i moderowane ze względu na treść. Znajdziecie tu informacje o książkach z etyki, artykułach naukowych i publicystycznych, podręcznikach do nauczania etyki, polskich etykach czy filmach dotyczących dylematów etycznych...

Pozycje w katalogu

Jeff McMahan - Radykalne ograniczenie poznawcze (Radica...

Jeff McMahan - Radykalne ograniczenie poznawcze (Radical Cognitive Limitation) "Suppose that there are human beings whose overall psychological capacities and potential are comparable to or lower than those characteristic of the higher orders of nonhuman animals, such as chimpanzees. And suppose that the limited cognitive capacit ...

Jeff McMahan - Zmiana 'Doktryny Podwójnego Efektu' (Rev...

"The Doctrine of Double Effect has been challenged by the claim that what an agent intends as a means may be limited to those effects that are precisely characterized by the descriptions under which the agent believes that they are minimally causally nece ...


Jeff McMahan - Obrona własna i karygodność (Self-Defens...

"Moral agents sometimes have to act on the basis of beliefs that are reasonable in the context but are in fact false. In these circumstances, agents often act in ways that would be right if their beliefs were true but that they would recognize as wron ...

Kategoria:Etyka a prawo

Jeff McMahan - Podsumowanie książki "The Ethics of Kill...

"There are important moral problems for which we ought not to expect reliable guidance from our untutored moral intuitions. Conspicuous among these are problems involving the killing of beings whose metaphysical or moral status is deeply uncertain or cont ...

Kategoria:Wartość życia

Jeff McMahan - Tortury i zbiorowa hańba (Torture and Co...

"In Waiting for the Barbarians, one of Coetzee’s finest novels, forces of an unnamed imperial power torture not only “barbarians” captured in their colonial frontiers but also the insubordinate mayor of the colonial outpost in which most of the story ta ...


Jeff McMahan - Odpowiedzialność, dopuszczalność i pocz...

"Intricate Ethics is not only brilliant but also vast, so that a short commentary can discuss only a tiny proportion of its contents. I will focus on the central claims of the chapter called “Responsibility and Collaboration.”"...

Jeff McMahan - Wojna niesprawiedliwa w Iraku (Unjust Wa...

"For most of us who live in countries in which the threat of invasion and military occupation has been negligible or nonexistent for decades, it seems virtually impossible to understand the situation in Iraq with any imaginative vividness. American soldi ...

Jeff McMahan - Etyka zabijania na wojnie (The Ethics of...

"(...) In this article I will challenge all three foundational tenets of the traditional theory I have identified: (1) that the principles of jus in bello are independent of those of jus ad bellum, (2) that unjust combatants can abide by the principles ...

Jeff McMahan - Interwencja i zbiorowe samostanowienie (...

"Intervention by one state in the affairs of another is normally objectionable for a variety of reasons, many of them moral. Most actual instances of military intervention, for example, are motivated entirely by the interests of the intervening state a ...

Jeff McMahan - Niewinność, obrona własna i zabijanie na...

"Most of us believe that there are conditions in which war is justified and thus that there are conditions in which the individual soldier is morally permitted, and nearly as often morally required, intentionally to attack and even to kill other human b ...

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Redaktor Katalogu Zasobów - mgr Marek Pawłowski
Kontakt - mpawlowski@etykapraktyczna.pl