Katalog Etyki Praktycznej
... zasoby z etyki posegregowane według kategorii i moderowane ze względu na treść. Znajdziecie tu informacje o książkach z etyki, artykułach naukowych i publicystycznych, podręcznikach do nauczania etyki, polskich etykach czy filmach dotyczących dylematów etycznych...
Wywiad z Jeffem McMahanem (Jeff McHahan's interview in ... Wyróżnione
Read the remaining part of Jeff McHahan's interview in Normative Ethics: 5 Questions, edited by Thomas S. Petersen and Jesper Ryberg, Automatic Press / VIP, November 2007.
Ethics of Abortion: Is it Moral or Immoral to Have an A...
Usually debates about abortion focus on politics and the law: should abortion be outlawed and treated like the murder of a human person, or remain a legal choice available to all women? Behind the debates are more fundamental ethical questions which aren’ ...
Jeff McMahan - Odpowiedzialność, dopuszczalność i pocz...
"Intricate Ethics is not only brilliant but also vast, so that a short commentary can discuss only a tiny proportion of its contents. I will focus on the central claims of the chapter called “Responsibility and Collaboration.”"...
The Ethics of Abortion
When It Is Not Immoral Or Moral. The Ethics of Abortion. Pro-Life and The Pro-Choice.
Ethics and abortion law
How do you find a morally good abortion law? The most obvious way is to start by working out the moral principles that will form the basis of the law, and then seeing what their implications are for practice. Ethicists such as John Harris work this way ro ...
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