Katalog Etyki Praktycznej
... zasoby z etyki posegregowane według kategorii i moderowane ze względu na treść. Znajdziecie tu informacje o książkach z etyki, artykułach naukowych i publicystycznych, podręcznikach do nauczania etyki, polskich etykach czy filmach dotyczących dylematów etycznych...
Jeff McMahan
Jeff McMahan - Paradoksy aborcji i uszkodzeń prenatalny... Featured
"I. KILLING AND INJURING Many people who believe that abortion may often be justified by appeal to the pregnant woman’s interests also believe that a woman’s infliction of significant but nonlethal injury on her fetus can seldom be justified by appeal ...
Jeff McMahan - Podstawa moralnego uprawnienia do zabici... Featured
There may be circumstances in which it is morally justifiable intentionally to kill a person who is morally innocent, threatens no one, rationally wishes not to die, and does not consent to be killed. Although the killing would wrong the victim, it might ...
Jeff McMahan - Zabijanie embrionów w celu badań nad kom... Featured
"The main objection to human embryonic stem cell research is that it involves killing human embryos, which are essentially beings of the same sort that you and I are. This objection presupposes that we once existed as early embryos and that we had the sam ...
Jeff McMahan - Intencja, dopuszczalność, terroryzm i wo... Featured
"There are many important moral beliefs that have been comparatively stable over time and across cultures that seem to presuppose that the intention with which one acts can affect the permissibility of one’s action. Until about forty years ago, the con ...
Jeff McMahan - Dzieciobójstwo (Infanticide) Featured
"It is sometimes suggested that if a moral theory implies that infanticide can sometimes be permissible, that is sufficient to discredit the theory. I argue in this article that the common-sense belief that infanticide is wrong, and perhaps even worse t ...
Wywiad z Jeffem McMahanem (Jeff McHahan's interview in ... Featured
Read the remaining part of Jeff McHahan's interview in Normative Ethics: 5 Questions, edited by Thomas S. Petersen and Jesper Ryberg, Automatic Press / VIP, November 2007.
Etyka zabijania - wojna sprawiedliwa i niesprawiedliwa ...
Jeff McMahan, filozof amerykański, który wykłada obecnie na Uniwersytecie Rutgers, jest jednym z najpopularniejszych filozofów zajmujących się etyką praktyczną - etyką zabijania - etyką wojny. W swoim artykule "Unjust War" (pol.: "Etyka zabijania na wojni ...
Jeff McMahan - Etyka zabijania na wojnie (The Ethics of...
"(...) In this article I will challenge all three foundational tenets of the traditional theory I have identified: (1) that the principles of jus in bello are independent of those of jus ad bellum, (2) that unjust combatants can abide by the principles ...
Jeff McMahan - Zabijanie na wojnie. Odpowiedź do Walzer...
"Michael Walzer suggests that our common beliefs about individual responsibility and liability become largely irrelevant in the conduct of war. In conditions of war, everything is changed. Political realists have claimed that war eliminatesmorality;Walz ...
Jeff McMahan - Niewinność, obrona własna i zabijanie na...
"Most of us believe that there are conditions in which war is justified and thus that there are conditions in which the individual soldier is morally permitted, and nearly as often morally required, intentionally to attack and even to kill other human b ...
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