Jeff McMahan - Zabijanie na wojnie. Odpowiedź do Walzera (Killing in War: A Reply to Walzer)
become largely irrelevant in the conduct of war. In conditions of war, everything is changed.
Political realists have claimed that war eliminatesmorality;Walzer claims that war collectivizes
it. I believe that conditions of war change nothing at all; they simply make it more difficult to
ascertain relevant facts. This is not to say that the principles and laws that do or should govern
the activity ofwar are identical to those governing relations among individuals. Just as domestic
law cannot simply restate the principles of individual morality, because the declaration and
enforcement of laws have effects that must be taken into account in the formulation of the law,
so too the principles, conventions, and laws of war cannot simply restate the principles of
individual or international morality. The rules of war have to accommodate our epistemic
limitations and to be formulated with a regard for the ways in which their announcement is
likely to affect people’s behavior. But they should otherwise reflect as closely as possible the
same principles of justice and liability that govern conduct outside of war..."...
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