Jeff McMahan - Sprawiedliwość, odpowiedzialność w alokacji narządów (Justice and Liability in Organ Allocation)

"Suppose that there are two people, both of whom will die very
soon without an organ transplant. One organ becomes available. It is a
perfect match for both people, one of whom can therefore be saved. It
is virtually certain that no other organ will become available in time to
save both. How ought the choice between the two people to be made?
There are indefinitely many distributive principles that might be
followed. The organ could, for example, be sold to the highest bidder.
Or it could be given to the person whose need was manifest first: first
come, first served. Many people believe that both possible recipients
should have an equal chance of being selected. They may think that the
decision should therefore be made randomly—for example, by flipping
a coin. Both of these last two proposals seek to avoid being discriminatory.
They appeal to considerations that are essentially arbitrary and
irrelevant. By refusing to distinguish between the two potential recipients
on substantive grounds, they seek to treat both people as equals—
though it is worth noting that because these criteria do not require any
exercise of judgment, they also enable those in charge of the distribution
of organs to avoid any sense of responsibility for the outcomes of
the selection procedure..."...
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