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The International Conference "Ethics of Killing"

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The International Conference "Ethics of Killing"
The University of Szczecin, Poland
Od : poniedziałek, 16 maja 2011 13:00
Do : wtorek, 17 maja 2011 21:00
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Szczegóły wydarzenia

The Department of Ethics, University of Szczecin, Poland; The Practical Ethics, Portal of Academic Ethics requests the pleasure of your presence at The International Conference “Ethics of Killing” at The Department of Philosophy, University of Szczecin, Poland. The conference will be held from 16 to 17 May 2011.

As the honor guest : professor Jeff McMahan (The Rutgers University, USA).
As a world-renowned expert in this field he will also honored us with lectures: one would be open to everybody and the second one - meant only for the conference participants

In order to resolve the problem of killing, it is crucial to consider the issues that revolve around the question of establishing the ethical object (how far one can extend the scope of what is known as a body of ethics), but also notions of personal identity (how does one become a person, how does one discontinue being a person), and the wider problem of accountability - that is, when we say that a given entity is responsible for killing another person (entity x), and when this act is neutral, and the issue of moral rights (i.e. right to life). Topics falling within the scope of problems related to the ethics of killing show us that the resolution of many serious moral dilemmas of killing to large extent depends on the solution of sideline/collateral issues. Participants of the conference will reflect on these and related topics.

We will be in touch in order to discuss the details.
More details coming soon.

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