Kończąc wojny - Czwarte spotkanie ELAC 2012

Begina Sławińska

8 lipiec 2012

Już pod koniec sierpnia odbędzie się kolejne, już czwarte, spotkanie Grupy Wojennej - ELAC Workshop Meeting. Tym razem warsztaty będą koncentrować się na sprawach związanych z post bellum.

Poniżej krótki opis zapowiadający spotkanie (w języku angielskim). Osobiście nie mogę się doczekać kolejnego spotkania w Merton College. Tym razem główni goście to: Professor Gabriella Blum (Harvard), Professor Ariel Colonomos (Science Po), Dr Janina Dill (Oxford), Professor Cecile Fabre (Oxford), Professor Jeff McMahan (Rutgers), Professor Darrel Moellendorf (San Diego), Dr David Rodin (Oxford), and Professor Daniel Statman (Haifa).

Niewątpliwie tematyka warszatów wiąże się z nowo wydaną książką Larry May'a "After War Ends", która to porusza problematykę związaną z post bellum. Polecam gorąco - właśnie leży koło mnie na biurku i ochoczo przyklaskuje czekając na przeczytanie.

When is the ethically and legally prescribed moment to stop fighting? The Fourth Annual ELAC Workshop on War will explore the implications of changes during hostilities in the overall proportionality- or success prognosis of a war and seek to shed light on whether a belligerent ever has a moral duty or legal obligation to continue combat operations.

Normative scholarship on ending wars has mostly overlooked this crucial question, focusing instead on the aftermath of hostilities – the duties of occupying powers, belligerents’ obligations to create a just peace, or their responsibility to rebuild. The separation of jus in bello (principles governing conduct in war) and jus ad bellum (principles governing resort to war) has encouraged bracketing the transition out of hostilities in normative assessments of war.

However, with the advent of revisionist just war theory and its rejection of the above mentioned separation, ending wars at the right time has become a crucial condition of their justifiability. Moreover, the normative progress of the international order presents a challenge to international law’s agnosticism toward how long belligerents continue combat operations once an armed conflict has started.

The emphasis of the workshop is on the interdisciplinary study of war, attracting in particular the leading scholars working on the interface of law and ethics. Eight papers will be pre-circulated and discussed in an intensive two-day workshop.