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... zasoby z etyki posegregowane według kategorii i moderowane ze względu na treść. Znajdziecie tu informacje o książkach z etyki, artykułach naukowych i publicystycznych, podręcznikach do nauczania etyki, polskich etykach czy filmach dotyczących dylematów etycznych...
Doctrine of Double Effect
Jeff McMahan - Intencja, dopuszczalność, terroryzm i wo... Wyróżnione
"There are many important moral beliefs that have been comparatively stable over time and across cultures that seem to presuppose that the intention with which one acts can affect the permissibility of one’s action. Until about forty years ago, the con ...
Jeff McMahan - Zmiana 'Doktryny Podwójnego Efektu' (Rev...
"The Doctrine of Double Effect has been challenged by the claim that what an agent intends as a means may be limited to those effects that are precisely characterized by the descriptions under which the agent believes that they are minimally causally nece ...
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