Katalog etyki praktycznej

Katalog Etyki Praktycznej

... zasoby z etyki posegregowane według kategorii i moderowane ze względu na treść. Znajdziecie tu informacje o książkach z etyki, artykułach naukowych i publicystycznych, podręcznikach do nauczania etyki, polskich etykach czy filmach dotyczących dylematów etycznych...


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Ethics and abortion law

Ethics and abortion law How do you find a morally good abortion law? The most obvious way is to start by working out the moral principles that will form the basis of the law, and then seeing what their implications are for practice. Ethicists such as John Harris work this way ro ...


Jeff McMahan - Odstraszenie i deontologia (Deterrence a...

"The most familiar and probably the most widely accepted moral objection to the policy of nuclear deterrence is that it involves a conditional intention to use nuclear weapons in ways that would be immoral. Because it requires this intention, which is its ...

Jeff McMahan - Komantarz do wykładów Michaela Doyle'a T...

"I find myself in the awkward position – awkward, that is, for a commentator – of agreeing with virtually all aspects of Michael Doyle’s powerful critique of what international law and current US doctrine imply about preventive war, and with most of his c ...

Jeff McMahan - Sprawiedliwość, odpowiedzialność w aloka...

Jeff McMahan - Sprawiedliwość, odpowiedzialność w alokacji narządów (Justice and Liability in Organ Allocation) "Suppose that there are two people, both of whom will die very soon without an organ transplant. One organ becomes available. It is a perfect match for both people, one of whom can therefore be saved. It is virtually certain that no other organ will be ...

Argumenty za i przeciw karze śmierci w UK .

Tekst omawiający problem kary śmierci w UK.

Kategoria:Kara śmierci

Pochodzenie boga - Douglas Adams

Douglas Adams dla Radia BBC

Kategoria:Etyka a religia

Jeff McMahan - Śmierć, śmierć mózgowa, trwały stan wege...

Jeff McMahan - Śmierć, śmierć mózgowa, trwały stan wegetatywny (Death, Brain Death, and Persistent Vegetative State) "For most of human history, there was no perceived problem in determining whether a person was alive or dead. If the person had stopped breathing and had no heartbeat, he was considered dead. During the twentieth century, however, techniques were develo ...

Jeff McMahan - Zaburzenie poznawcze a wzmocnienie pozna...

Jeff McMahan - Zaburzenie poznawcze a wzmocnienie poznawcze (Cognitive Disability and Cognitive Enhancment) "This essay explores problems of consistency among commonsense beliefs about the comparative moral status of animals, fetuses, and human beings congenitally endowed with cognitive capacities and potential no higher than those of higher animals. The pos ...

Jeff McMahan - Pacyfizm i teoria moralna (Pacifism and ...

"“Pacifism” is used to refer to a variety of different doctrines concerning violence and war. It can refer to the view that all violence is wrong, even in individual self-defense, or in defense of another innocent person. More commonly, it refers to th ...

Jeff McMahan - Prewencja egzystencji osób z niepełnospr...

Jeff McMahan - Prewencja egzystencji osób z niepełnosprawnością (Preventing the existence of people with disabilities) "It is commonly held that there are both cases in which there is a strong moral reason not to cause the existence of a disabled person and cases in which, although it would be permissible to cause a disabled person to exist, it would be better not to. Yet ...


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