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Wojna i interwencja wojskowa
Artykuły naukowe poświęcone problemowi wojny, interwencji zbrojnych, pacyfizmowi, wojnie sprawiedliwej
Judith Lichtenberg - Jak oceniać żołnierzy walczących w... Wyróżnione
Having learned my just war theory at Michael Walzer’s figurative knee, for many years I accepted the independence of jus in bello from jus ad bellum unthinkingly. Just war theory consists of two separate parts, one concerning the legitimate grounds for ...
Jeff McMahan - Podstawa moralnego uprawnienia do zabici... Wyróżnione
There may be circumstances in which it is morally justifiable intentionally to kill a person who is morally innocent, threatens no one, rationally wishes not to die, and does not consent to be killed. Although the killing would wrong the victim, it might ...
Robert K. Fullinwider - Wojna i niewinność (War and Inn... Wyróżnione
In this paper I shall briefly sketch an argument for the immunity of noncombatants which avoids Mavrodes' criticisms. It will establish that in warfare there is a morally relevant distinction between non- combatants and combatants which prohibits the inte ...
The Morality and Law of War Wyróżnione
This paper explores the relationship between the morality of war and the law of war. The fo-cus is on permissible conduct in war, specifically the principle of noncombatant immunity, which confines belligerents to targeting only military objectives (see a ...
Jeff McMahan - Wojna jako obrona własna (War as Self-De...
"First imagine a case in which a person uses violence in self-defense; then imagine a case in which two people engage in self-defense against a threat they jointly face. Continue to imagine further cases in which increasing numbers of people act with inc ...
Jeff McMahan - Komantarz do wykładów Michaela Doyle'a T...
"I find myself in the awkward position – awkward, that is, for a commentator – of agreeing with virtually all aspects of Michael Doyle’s powerful critique of what international law and current US doctrine imply about preventive war, and with most of his c ...
Jeff McMahan - Interwencja humanitarna, zgoda i proporc...
"However much one may wish for nonviolent solutions to the problems of unjust and unrestrained human violence that Glover explores in Humanity , some of those problems at present require violent responses. One cannot read his account of the Clinton adm ...
Jeff McMahan - Pacyfizm i teoria moralna (Pacifism and ...
"“Pacifism” is used to refer to a variety of different doctrines concerning violence and war. It can refer to the view that all violence is wrong, even in individual self-defense, or in defense of another innocent person. More commonly, it refers to th ...
Jeff McMahan - Odpowiedzialność, dopuszczalność i pocz...
"Intricate Ethics is not only brilliant but also vast, so that a short commentary can discuss only a tiny proportion of its contents. I will focus on the central claims of the chapter called “Responsibility and Collaboration.”"...
Jeff McMahan - Wojna niesprawiedliwa w Iraku (Unjust Wa...
"For most of us who live in countries in which the threat of invasion and military occupation has been negligible or nonexistent for decades, it seems virtually impossible to understand the situation in Iraq with any imaginative vividness. American soldi ...
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