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Is there anything like moral character and virtue?

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Is there anything like moral character and virtue?
Gdańsk, Uniwersytet
Od : piątek, 10 maja 2013 09:00
Do : sobota, 11 maja 2013 09:00
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Contemporary virtue ethics is one of the most common ethical theories. The turn of the 20th century witnessed the height of its development as well as the moment of its most intensive criticism, inspired by results of research in the social psychology. Virtue ethicists promote moral education through the formation of morally good features of character – ethical virtues. High moral qualities of an agent help to ensure morally good action. However, situationistic critics of virtue ethics (Gilbert Harman, John Doris, Maria Merritt, Peter Vranas) claim that what most importantly influences human behavior is not moral character but a situation, in which one has been placed by his or her fate. Situationists generally question the existence of a constant and consistent character or its dispositions. They maintain that moral psychology, presupposed by Aristotelian ethics, and essentially adopted by contemporary virtue ethicists, is empirically inadequate; it finds no confirmation in the latest scientific research.

The aim of the conference is to face the situationistic criticism, its main question being whether there exists anything that could be called a moral character and virtue.

Our keynote speakers are philosophers actively taking part in the contemporary debates over moral character and virtue ethics, authors of widely known books and papers devoted to the subject:

The conference will last two days. In the mornings there will be plenary sessions with lectures of keynote speakers (each lecture 1h 30 min including discussion). In the afternoons there will be sessions in groups (each presentation about 30 min. including discussion). We are also planning a panel discussion which will be devoted to the main topic of the conference.

15 March 2013 – 300 word abstract to be submitted
2 April 2013 - Latest notification of acceptance
20 April 2013 – Payment deadline
10 May 2013 - Conference commences

MORE INFO: http://ifsid.ug.edu.pl/konferencje/Is_There_Anything_Like_Moral_Character&Virtue/index.php
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